Complete Spanish Homeschool Curriculum Round-Up (Updated February 2025)

complete homeschool spanish curriculum roundup.png

*Some of the links below are affiliate links—meaning that I receive a small commission (at no cost to you) for any purchases made through them. For my full disclosure policy, click here.

Well, readers, you asked, and it’s finally here—a comprehensive round-up of homeschool Spanish curricula!! I’ve recently updated this as of February 2025, so if you haven’t checked it in a while, you should know that there are NEW options!

As you make your plans for next year, I hope that this guide will be a helpful overview of all of your options for homeschooling Spanish. BUT before you even start reading this round-up, I highly, highly recommend that you take a look at my previous two posts: 

You can even print out that first post to keep alongside you as you go through this list, since it’ll help you ask the right questions as you consider each curriculum here. The latter post will help with some of the terminology that I’ve used here to describe the teaching methods of these curricula. I promise that it is not too technical! 

In addition, here are a few more notes that will help you maximize your use of this round-up: 

  • The curricula highlighted here are those that have been specifically designed or adapted for homeschool use—“mainstream market” products are not included. If you’d like to read about those, I have reviews of Duolingo for homeschool language learning and Mango Languages for homeschool language learning that can help you evaluate those tools (though I think it’s really important to say upfront that I don’t consider either of those to be an actual curriculumand in my reviews, you'll see why). Please also note that this round-up does NOT include live online Spanish classes, which a number of homeschool companies now offer.

  • If a curriculum offers a free trial to parents (and advertises it), I’ve noted that in the round-up. However, if you are interested in a program that doesn’t advertise a free trial, you can always contact their company to request one (doesn’t hurt!).

  • When applicable, I’ve indicated which curricula align with which homeschool philosophies (ie. Charlotte Mason or Montessori), and for all curricula, I have specified which language teaching methodology they most closely align with.

  • With regards to parental involvement, I’ve used the basic scale of Low-Medium-High to indicate how much direct instruction or participation in activities a parent is required to provide with the curriculum. These have been determined according to the descriptions provided by each of these companies. Your level of oversight (i.e. setting up lessons, checking homework, etc.) will depend on your family norms and the age of your student.

  • Finally, keep in mind that the prices listed here can only reflect current pricing as of the original writing of this post, and are therefore subject to change.

And in case you're about to ask this question...YES, I do hope to provide in-depth reviews of many of these curricula, so that I can give you an even better picture of what they offer.

But for now, here are the curricula—so enjoy! 

Homeschool Spanish Curricula for the Whole Family (Multi-Age):

Beautiful Mundo

Target Ages: 4-12 years old
$88/level (there are two)
Materials Included: Lesson plans, a booklist, music recommendations, and student workbooks for copywork, narration, and journaling
Parental Involvement: High
Description: Beautiful Mundo teaches children Spanish through time-tested, Charlotte Mason-championed methods, including: exposure to beautiful language, narration, and copywork. Parents do not need to be fluent to use the curriculum, but should be ready to immerse themselves and their kids in Spanish while reading books, listening to music, and recording dictations.

Excelerate Spanish 
Target Ages: Grade 3—Adult  
Cost: $139
Materials Included: Instructional DVD, practice workbooks, and reading selections
Parental Involvement: Low
Description: Excelerate Spanish derives its methodology from the Total Physical Response method of teaching foreign languages, which stresses the relationship between physical movement and language learning. Video lessons introduce new vocabulary (and corresponding movements) and phrases although they do not explicitly teach grammar rules. Excelerate takes a direct approach to grammar instruction, which means that it relies on exposure to the language (rather than grammar lessons) to help students become proficient in it. Note, however, that it is not immersive—instruction in English is provided in the lessons. In addition to the video lessons, reading lessons are included for children to practice that skill. 

Flip Flop Spanish** 
Target Ages: Preschool—Grade 8
Cost: From $65 for a two-year program
Materials Included: Flashcard set, instructor’s manual, audio CDs
Parental Involvement: Medium
Description: This curriculum uses visual flashcards to introduce new vocabulary (nouns, verbs, and adjectives) to children of all ages and includes an audio component that guides families through the two-year program. It is based on Charlotte Mason’s principles of language learning and focuses on direct instruction--however, it does include instruction in English. Flip Flop Spanish stresses language acquisition by getting kids to use the language by learning key phrases and words through repetition. It also aligns with Montessori principles.  

Foreign Language for Kids by Kids (Spanish)
Target Ages:
Preschool—Grade 8
Cost: $312 for an 8-level set
Materials Included: Subscription to online videos and practice exercises (can also be purchased as DVDs) 
Parental Involvement: Low
Description: Foreign Language for Kids by Kids creates an immersive experience for children through short, targeted videos that are filmed completely in Spanish. Each video is carefully staged so that children will pick up new words and vocabulary as they watch—so this is a suitable way to introduce Spanish to your whole family. The videos themselves are appealing in that they feature other kids as the actors, and they are practical in that they focus on everyday activities (so your child learns useful grammar and vocabulary). An online supplement with games, quizzes, and workbooks provides plenty of additional practice for students, and the company also offers online tutoring for those who wish to pursue a more intense program of study. 

*A 48-hour free trial of this product is available to all interested parents. 

La Clase Divertida 
Target Ages: PreK—Grade 8 (Video Lessons)
Cost: $120-140 for each level of Spanish (there are 3 in total for ages PreK to Grade 8)—though each set can be used for up to two students
Materials included: Instructional videos, instructor’s manual, workbooks and worksheets, audio CD and materials for seven cultural activities
Parental Involvement: Low to Medium  
Description: This curriculum teaches Spanish through short, thematically focused video lessons, which are likely very similar to what you’ve experienced as a student in any traditional Spanish classroom. It incorporates hands-on cultural activities along with direct grammar and vocabulary instruction, some of which is provided in English (and reinforced in Spanish). This curriculum makes use of both the communicative and the grammar-translation models of language teaching. 

Speaking Spanish with Miss Mason and François, Volumes I and II 
Target Ages: Preschool—Grade 8
Cost: Approximately $70/year
Materials included: Textbook with practice exercises, Audio CD optional and instructor’s manual available separately
Parental Involvement: Medium to High
Description: This curriculum uses a Charlotte Mason approach to learning languages, based on the research of 19th century linguist François Gouin. The lessons are heavily focused on helping children use the language from the start through direct instruction based on the repetition of short phrases. The exercises equip children to use common phrases and verbs, but do not provide much explicit grammar instruction or vocabulary building exercises, per the philosophy of Gouin. 

Talkbox.Mom (Don’t miss my full review with coupon codes!)
Target Ages:
Cost: $80/subscription box (less when you pay in advance)
Materials included: Key phrase posters and index cards (for use around the house), illustrated vocabulary charts, audio files with native speakers, and accountability trackers
Parental Involvement: Low (for teenagers doing it on their own) to High (for young children and whole families)
Description: Talkbox.Mom uses the audio-lingual method to teach whole families to speak another language. It focuses on real-life use of the language, teaching parents first, so that they can then use the language with their kids.. It is structured as a series of subscription boxes themed around everyday vocabulary: the first one is snacks and kitchen, the second is rooms and games, etc. The focus of the curriculum is speaking and listening; some reading practice is naturally included with the phrase charts, but there are no writing exercises. This approach is not “purely” Charlotte Mason, but it does align with Charlotte Mason’s general philosophy of learning languages (focusing on speaking and real-life use of the language).

*As I use (and love!) this curriculum myself, I am an affiliate of Talkbox.Mom. If you want to try it for yourself, you can get $20 off your first Talkbox.Mom box and book with the code languagelearningbox or $5 off of the phrasebook with the code languagelearningbook.

Homeschool Spanish Curricula for Preschool-Elementary Age:

Calico Spanish
Target Ages: K—Grade 5
Cost: $329/year*
Materials Included: Online stories, music videos, dialogue videos, games and storybooks, as well as printable teacher’s guides, student activities, flashcards, and posters
Parental Involvement: Medium (depends on age of the student)
Description: Calico Spanish teaches Spanish to young children with real, simple language presented through storybooks, music videos, dialogues between native Spanish speakers, and games. Its online materials are easily organized for homeschoolers—basically, they are “open-and-go”—and include lots of repetition and review (which is essential for language learning). Homeschooling parents can learn Spanish right alongside their children with this program, or older elementary students can work through the activities on their own. 

*A free trial of this product is available to all interested parents. 

The Easy Spanish ¡El Español fácil! (Junior Level)
Target Ages: Grades K—3
Cost: $80 (currently on sale)
Materials Included: 2 audio CDs
Parental Involvement: Low
Description: This program teaches Spanish from an explicitly Christian perspective and aims to enable children to share the Gospel in a culturally sensitive way in Spanish-speaking countries. To that end, it focuses largely on vocabulary that would equip children to do that. At this level, it teaches Spanish through music and stories, without grammar instruction, and the stories themselves are written in a mix of Spanish and English to facilitate children’s understanding of the content. It also includes Scripture memory work in Spanish. Parents do not have to be proficient in Spanish to use this program and the lessons are clearly laid out, making this a very hands-off curriculum. It aligns with Charlotte Mason’s principles of language teaching. 

The Easy Spanish ¡El Español fácil! (Level I)
Target Ages: Grades 3-5
Cost: $149.95/physical edition of the three-year-program or $129.95 for the digital edition
Materials Included: Books or eBook, Audio files or CDs, phonogram flashcards
Parental Involvement: Low
Description: This program is a continuation of The Easy Spanish Junior Level and teaches Spanish from an explicitly Christian perspective. It aims to enable children to share the Gospel in a culturally sensitive way in Spanish-speaking countries, and to that end, focuses largely on vocabulary and phrases necessary for missions. At this level, it teaches Spanish through dialogues, and does include some explicit grammar instruction, as well as practice with new grammar concepts and vocabulary words. It aligns largely with Charlotte Mason’s principles of language teaching, and also uses elements of the audio-lingual method of teaching languages. 

Risas y Sonrisas (Spanish for Kids)
Target Ages: Grade 1—Grade 5
Cost: $325 for complete program with one-year online access (additional $12/extra student log-in)
Materials Included: Textbook, workbook, verb conjugation chart, vocabulary flashcards, instructor’s manual, online access to supplemental materials
Parental Involvement: Low to Medium (depends on how many resources parents choose to use)
Description: Risas y Sonrisas provides direct instruction in proper pronunciation and reading skills from the start, and also uses elements of the Total Physical Response approach in its curriculum,. For example, it presents new Spanish vocabulary by teaching kids the word in Spanish alongside the ASL sign for that word. The idea behind this approach is that physical actions reinforce and enhance children’s auditory learning, which research does show to be the case. It also heavily focuses on teaching children Spanish-English cognates, so that they can immediately have some proficiency in the target language, with the ultimate goal of having them be conversational by the time they finish the curriculum. 

Song School Spanish (Don’t miss my full Song School Spanish review!)
Target Ages: Grade K—Grade 2
Cost: $120.80/one year-long course
Materials Included: Student workbook and audio CD, instructor’s guide, instructional DVD (or streaming video), vocabulary flashcards
Parental Involvement: Medium
Description: Song School Spanish introduces young children to Spanish through songs and chants, as well as practice activities that reinforce the child’s new skills. Developing vocabulary skills is the main focus of the curriculum, not explicit grammar instruction—which is developmentally appropriate for this age group. Song School Spanish uses elements of both the communicative and the audio-lingual approach in its teaching. If you're interested, here's my official review of Song School Spanish

Spanish for Children
Target Ages: Grade 3—Grade 5
Cost: $141.80/one yearlong course
Materials Included: Student workbook and audio CD, instructor’s guide, instructional DVD (or streaming video), and Spanish reader
Parental Involvement: Medium
Description: Spanish for Children combines an immersive approach to teaching Spanish with what’s known as the grammar-translation approach, which helps children learn a new language by comparing it to what they already know in their first language. Short video lessons also feature the program’s trademark chants (similar to their program for younger students, Song School Spanish), designed to help children learn their new language through repetition, similar to the audio-lingual approach. The practice activities that it includes also reflect elements of the communicative approach, as they encourage children to use Spanish in real-life scenarios. 

Spanish for Kids with Speekee (FastTrack) 
Target Ages: PreK-Grade 2
Cost: $7.50/month*
Materials Included: Streaming video, access to practice activities (both printables and online games)
Parental Involvement: Medium
Description: Speekee creates an immersive experience for children through online videos starring child actors. The videos present new grammar and vocabulary through real-life scenarios and are organized into 40 weekly lessons, which also include scheduled reviews. The concepts introduced in the videos are reinforced through worksheets and online practice activities (although these are optional for younger students), and through suggested activities that parents can lead for their children at home (included in Speekee’s lesson plans). This program is based on a communicative approach to language teaching. You should note that the Spanish presented is Castilian Spanish (from Spain), not Latin American Spanish.  

*A free trial is available to interested parents. 

Spanish for Kids with Speekee (Accelerate) 
Target Ages: Grade 3-6
Cost: $7.50/month*
Materials Included: Streaming video, access to practice activities (both printables and online games)
Parental Involvement: Medium
Description: Speekee creates an immersive experience for children through online videos starring child actors. The videos present new grammar and vocabulary through real-life scenarios and are organized into 40 weekly lessons, which also include scheduled reviews. The concepts introduced in the videos are reinforced through worksheets and online practice activities, as well as hands-on activities that parents can lead for their children at home (included in Speekee’s lesson plans). This program is based on a communicative approach to language teaching. You should note that the Spanish presented is Castilian Spanish (from Spain), not Latin American Spanish.  

*A free trial is available to interested parents. 

Whistlefritz Spanish for Kids (Don’t miss my full Whistlefritz review!) 
Target Ages: Grades Preschool-5
Cost: $159-199/course of study
Materials Included: Instructor’s guide with lesson plans, scheduling guide for homeschooling families, videos, audio CD (music), and flashcards
Parental Involvement: High
Description: Whistlefritz uses an immersive approach to teach Spanish, meaning that it does not provide translations for its students (although those are available for the teacher!). It is structured around thematic units that introduce new grammar and vocabulary through music and short animated videos. However, it also supports a multi-sensory language learning experience for the student by providing hands-on activities to complement these units. All of the videos, songs, and activities are scheduled in one flexible, easy-to-follow guide—written by yours truly!

Homeschool Spanish Curricula for Middle-High School Age

Spanish I and II (Abeka) 
Target Ages: Grades 9-12
Cost: Approximately $190 for Spanish 1 (depending on which materials are purchased) and $225 for Spanish 2 (again, depending on which materials are purchased); complete digital courses are $319-575
Materials Included: Student textbook ($51.10); optional additional materials: teacher guide, pronunciation/ scripture CD, vocabulary manual, vocabulary manual teacher edition, test book, vocabulary CD   
Parental Involvement: High
Description: Abeka combines the communicative and audio-lingual approaches to language learning and focuses on getting students to communicate accurately in everyday situation through the use of memorization and repetition. It has a particular focus on equipping children for Christian ministry, and its audio resources include scripture memory in Spanish. Abeka’s curriculum includes extensive instruction in pronunciation as the foundation of the first level of the program, and grammatical instruction is provided in English throughout. 

Spanish 1 (Accelerated Christian Education)
Target Ages: Grades 9-12
Cost: Approximately $120
Materials Included: 12 Instructional DVDs, activity books and answer keys (each)
Parental Involvement: Low
Description: This program is a self-paced program of study that covers the basics of Spanish grammar and vocabulary through a series of 12 instructional DVDs and their complementary workbooks. ACE incorporates Bible verses and character education into all of their materials, including foreign language materials.

Spanish 1, 2, and 3 for Distance Learning (Bob Jones University Press) 
Target Ages: Grades 9-12
Cost: Each level is approximately $79
Materials Included: Textbooks, Tests, Streaming Video (or DVDs)
Parental Involvement: Low
Description: BJU Press uses video lessons to teach students Spanish in this two-level program, which is designed to bring students to a basic proficiency level and equip them for Gospel outreach in Spanish-speaking Latin America. The videos provide explicit grammar instruction in English and then guide students through practice activities for using the new grammar skill in Spanish. This teaching model largely mirrors the communicative approach, although the practice activities emphasize reading and writing skills over oral communication.

¡Vamos! and ¡En camino! (Read my full review of Breaking the Barrier’s middle school curriculum here!)
Target Ages:
Grades 6-8 or 9
Cost: Approximately $130/level for the print edition with digital access
Materials Included: All-in-one textbook and workbook; answer key; 12 months of online access to digital audio files and activities; Spanish phrasebook; teacher test program and a pacing guide
Parental Involvement: Low
Breaking the Barrier has adapted their successful high school-level program to provide a developmentally appropriate Spanish I and II program for middle school students. The teaching approach is still based on direct grammar instruction and the audio-lingual method, but moves at a slower pace. Teaching is based around an all-in-one textbook and workbook, which introduces new material and practice activities. It is used in conjunction with online activities that provide pronunciation and listening practice.

Spanish 1, 2, and 3 (Breaking the Barrier) (Read my full review of Breaking the Barrier here!)
Target Ages:
Grades 9-12
Approximately $150/level for the print edition with digital access; $60/level for digital access only
Materials Included:
All-in-one textbook and workbook; answer key; 12 months of online access to digital audio files and activities; Spanish phrasebook; teacher test program and a pacing guide
Parental Involvement:
Breaking the Barrier teaches Spanish through a combination of two solid methodologies: direct grammar instruction and the audio-lingual method. Students receive an all-in-one textbook and workbook, which introduces new material and practice activities, along with digital audio materials for pronunciation and listening comprehension activities. The materials may also be purchased in a fully digital format. For the maximum benefit, use the hard copy and digital book together to help you students develop reading, writing, listening, and basic speaking abilities in the language that they are studying. 

Spanish I and Spanish II (Lifepac)
Target Ages:
Grades 9-12
Cost: $90 for student and teacher
Materials Included: Scripted lesson plans, all-in-one workbooks/textbooks and audio CDs
Parental Involvement:
Lifepac’s Spanish I and II programs equip parents to teach basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary to their children through scripted lesson plans, workbooks, and audio CDs with real-life dialogues.

The ULAT (Universal Language Acquisition Tool)
Target Ages: Grades 9-12
Cost: $60/year for a subscription*
Materials Included: 300 online videos, equivalent to 3 years of language instruction
Parental Involvement: Low
Description: The ULAT teaches children a second language based on the “natural acquisition sequence,” which prioritizes extensive exposure to spoken language and then proceeds to build reading and writing skills in the second language. Its goal is to get the child to “think” in the second language and not rely on translation for using the language. It also uses elements of the Total Physical Response method, connecting new vocabulary to concrete actions and images. It is a fully digital curriculum.

* The ULAT does offer 15 lessons free of charge to those wanting to try the curriculum.

Have you heard of another homeschool Spanish curriculum that isn't included here? Don't hesitate to let me know in the comments!