Our Week in Review: September 30, 2017
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What we’re reading:
Xavi and I finished reading his first chapter book this week—Good Morning, Gorillas! We picked it up at the Scholastic booth at the National Festival of the Book a few weeks ago, and he finally decided that he was ready to start it on Monday. I had planned to read a few chapters each day, but he loved it so much, we finished the entire thing in a single day! We then took a trip to the library and checked out six other Magic Tree House books (in Spanish). Let’s just say Xavi is enthusiastic about this series, and we’ve already spent a lot of time playing “Jack” (Xavi) and “Silverback” (Me).
I’m listening to the audiobook version of Susan Schaeffer Macaulay’s For the Children’s Sake. I’m nearly finished and have really enjoyed hearing about the author’s unique upbringing as the daughter of L’Abri founders Francis and Edith Schaeffer.
Also, from the blogs this week:
I’m filing away this one for future reference: What if My Child Refuses to Do School Work?
And ranking my favorite takeaways from here: The Best Advice from Working Homeschool Moms
What we’re doing:
On Thursday morning, we visited our local nature center for a class on rivers and the animals that live in them. I'd like to say that Xavi's favorite part was touching the black rat snake that they brought in for us, but really, he preferred racing the other kids down the forest trail during the post-class hike. Oh, and playing in the river while dressed as Batman (see above). Felix enjoyed being adorably disruptive during the class, at least until he was put in "the pack" (i.e. our baby carrier).
Selfies are NOT my forte...bear with me as I find the most flattering angle please.
Friday was Felix’s birthday and today, we are celebrating his first year of life at a local park. We are so grateful for our playful, happy little boy!
What we’re watching:
This week hasn’t left too much time for watching TV, between party planning, two Bible studies, preschool activities and blogging. I did sneak an episode of Poldark while folding laundry, however.
What we’re memorizing:
Our poem and Bible verses are the same as last week.
La última hojita del árbol by Douglas Wright
1 Thessalonians 5:11: "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up.”
1 Tesalonicenses 5:11: “Por eso, anímense y edifíquense unos a otros.”