Three Ways to Do #Gameschooling With Foreign Languages

Three Ways to Do #Gameschooling With Foreign Languages

If you need a little more FUN in your homeschool language learning, I've got ideas for you! Today, I'm offering three ways to do #gameschooling with your foreign language learners (even if you don't speak the language they're learning) and boost their speaking, reading, writing, and listening abilities!

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Teaching Foreign Languages Confidently with Linguacious Flashcards

Teaching Foreign Languages Confidently with Linguacious Flashcards

Are you stumped on how to start language learning with your homeschool students? I was too--until I discovered Linguacious visual flashcards. Read today's review to find out why our family loves this attractive, easy-to-use, and research-based language learning tool!

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Using Netflix Kids for Homeschool Language Learning

Using Netflix Kids for Homeschool Language Learning

Watching TV can be a great way to get your homeschool student more exposure to a foreign language--but where can you find the best shows? Today, I'm sharing my recommendations of Netflix Kids shows that are available in Spanish, French, German, and Chinese--suitable for language learners of all levels!

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Homeschool Language Learning with Littles

Homeschool Language Learning with Littles

What does research tell us about language learning with littles--and what are the best ways to homeschool foreign languages with young children? I answering those questions in today's post and give ideas of how to make language learning fun and real for your youngest homeschool students.

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Three Activities to Extend Language Learning with Read-Alouds

Three Activities to Extend Language Learning with Read-Alouds

So, you've started foreign language read-alouds in your homeschool, perhaps using audiobooks or other audio resources. Now, where do you go from here? How can you maximize this learning tool for your homeschool students? Join me today as I share three quick activities that can help you make the most of your foreign language read-alouds.

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Free (and Legal!) Audio Resources for Homeschool Foreign Language Learning

Free (and Legal!) Audio Resources for Homeschool Foreign Language Learning

Well friends, my plan to write a post on YouTube read-alouds didn't quite work out--read this to find out why and to see my recommendations for free and legal audio resources for homeschool language learners.

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How to Start Foreign Language Read-Alouds (Even When You Don't Speak Another Language!)

How to Start Foreign Language Read-Alouds (Even When You Don't Speak Another Language!)

Homeschooling families know that reading aloud is GREAT for their kids; now, how can you put read-alouds to work for foreign language learning--even if you don't speak a foreign language yourself? Here's my most detailed post on where to find the best (affordable) foreign language audiobooks, how to match them to your child's proficiency level, and how to make them a part of your everyday routine.

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Why I Want My Children To Learn Foreign Languages

Why I Want My Children To Learn Foreign Languages

Mastering a foreign language isn't about knowing myriad verb conjugations or grammar rules. It's about being able to connect with other people--and that's one reason why learning languages is so important to our family. In today's post, I ponder this and some other reasons why language learning is a priority in our homeschool; I hope that they inspire you in your own educational and parenting journey.

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Charlotte Mason and Language Learning: The Habit of Memorizing

Charlotte Mason and Language Learning: The Habit of Memorizing

Charlotte Mason believed in the power of memorization to shape children's minds, and so do many homeschoolers today. If you're looking to combine memory work with foreign language learning in your homeschool, look no further--I've got some practical suggestions right here that Miss Mason would appreciate.

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Language Learning and Charlotte Mason: The Habit of Mental Effort

Language Learning and Charlotte Mason: The Habit of Mental Effort

As homeschooling families, we all want our children to learn to work hard--to exercise the habit that Charlotte Mason called "mental effort." In today's post, I consider how language learning offers a unique opportunity for homeschoolers to develop this essential habit.

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Language Learning and Charlotte Mason: Forming the Habit of Attention

Language Learning and Charlotte Mason: Forming the Habit of Attention

Have you been influenced by Charlotte Mason's ideas in your homeschool? Are you focused on habit formation in your children? Hear my thoughts about how language learning helps children develop what Miss Mason called "the habit of attention" and how kids can apply this habit to their study of other academic subjects.

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